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Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a unique approach to Music Education. It is based on the premise that the human body is the source of all musical ideas. This site is the home of Dalcroze Australia - you will find information here about the Dalcroze approach, about ordering books, CDs and other resources, and training happening in your area.



Dalcroze Australia events

Online Foundation and Intermediate Training
to Nov 2

Online Foundation and Intermediate Training

  • Dalcroze Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Online Professional Training Course - Foundation and Intermediate

SUNDAYS: 10 x 2 hr sessions (20 hours tuition)

For those wishing to pursue the Foundation and Intermediate awards this course provides online tuition over two semesters. Semester One will be taken by Jerison Lee. In Semester Two Bianca Parison and Jerison Lee will lead the classes in alternate sessions.


Semester 1

March 30th

May 4th

May 18th

June 1st

June 15th

Semester 2

August 3rd

August 24th

September 14th

October 19th

November 2nd

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Summer School 2025
to Jan 17

Summer School 2025

The Dalcroze Australia Summer School is back! Join us for our Summer School in Sydney, Australia, 13th - 17th January 2025. Click the link below to register.


Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a unique approach to music based on the premise that the human body is the source of all musical ideas. It provides a concrete approach (movement) to an abstract art (music). In learning about time, space, energy, weight, and balance through movement, we develop a framework with which to approach the same elements in music. Dalcroze Eurhythmics has a three-part structure, consisting of Rhythmics (which engages the whole body in the physical exploration of musical elements), Ear and Voice (the study of pitch through ear training and sight-singing) and Improvisation.


The Summer School gives music educators and performers the opportunity to enrich their practice by developing their personal musicianship skills and discovering new tools for teaching and learning using movement, singing and improvisation. The Summer School offers an introduction to the approach for those new to Dalcroze, and separate streams for participants who have prior Dalcroze experience. Each day includes sessions in Movement, Rhythmics, Ear and Voice, and Improvisation, and will address the application of Dalcroze to a variety of specific contexts. Come prepared to move, sing, play and create, and bring your instrument! Light morning tea refreshments provided. Participants should provide their own lunch.


Dr Sandra Nash (Diplôme Sup. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva)

Bethan Habron-James (Diplôme Sup. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva)

Bianca Parison( BA and MA from Geneva I J.D.-HEM, current Dip. Sup Candidate)

Jerison Lee (BA and MA from Geneva I J.D.-HEM)

Katherine Smith (Dalcroze Cert.)

have been confirmed as teachers for 2025. Visit our Teachers Page for more information.


5-day workshop: 13th - 17th January, 9am - 5:00pm (please note Wednesday finishes 3:30pm)
Standard: $800 / Member: $720 / Student: $400
Two Day Explorer: 13th-14th January, 9am - 5:00pm
Standard $350 / Member $300 / Student: $170

Those who are new to Dalcroze are warmly encouraged to join us for the full 5-day course; core classes will be streamed to cater for different levels of experience.

DA Foundation & Intermediate exams will be held on SAT 18 JANUARY (Exam fees apply)

Any questions please contact:

Dalcroze Australia Members are eligible to apply to FIER for financial assistance. The deadline for application is 31 October 2024 Please visit for information.

Need to renew your membership? This can be done through our store (place membership in your cart alongside your Summer Scene registration).

Not sure if your membership is current? Contact us.

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Spring into Dalcroze - Gesture, Movement & Musical Expression
to Oct 3

Spring into Dalcroze - Gesture, Movement & Musical Expression

Registrations close september 22nd

A three day Spring workshop held at ASCHAM School in Edgecliff from the 1st-3rd of October. Develop your understanding of Dalcroze through daily rhythmics, ear and voice and improvisation classes led by Director of Studies Sandra Nash and Bianca Parison. The workshop will feature a special session in Choral Conducting and Voice Work led by Jodie Spooner-Ryan, Director of Music at Meridian Anglican Girls’ School.

Visit the store to register

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Summer School 2024
to Jan 12

Summer School 2024

  • Carey Baptist Grammar School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS




  • Mon, Jan 8, 2024 9:00 AM Fri, Jan 12, 2024 4:30 PM

  • Carey Baptist Grammar School (map)

The Dalcroze Australia Summer School is back! Join us for The Summer School in Melbourne, Australia, 8-12 January 2024.

Registrations are now open in our Store!


Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a unique approach to music based on the premise that the human body is the source of all musical ideas. It provides a concrete approach (movement) to an abstract art (music). In learning about time, space, energy, weight, and balance through movement, we develop a framework with which to approach the same elements in music. Dalcroze Eurhythmics has a three-part structure, consisting of Rhythmics (which engages the whole body in the physical exploration of musical elements), Ear and Voice (the study of pitch through ear training and sight-singing) and Improvisation.


The Summer School gives music educators and performers the opportunity to enrich their practice by developing their personal musicianship skills and discovering new tools for teaching and learning using movement, singing and improvisation. The Summer School offers an introduction to the approach for those new to Dalcroze, and separate streams for participants who have prior Dalcroze experience. Each day includes sessions in Movement, Rhythmics, Ear and Voice, and Improvisation, and will address the application of Dalcroze to a variety of specific contexts. Come prepared to move, sing, play and create, and bring your instrument! Light morning tea refreshments provided. Participants should provide their own lunch.


Dr Sandra Nash (Diplôme Sup. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva), Katherine Smith (Dalcroze Cert.) have been confirmed as teachers for 2024. Please check back in August for details of additional teachers. Visit our Teachers Page for more information.


5-day workshop: 8th - 12th January, 9am - 4:30pm
Standard: $850 / Member: $750 / Student: $550
One-day Taster: 8th January, 9am - 4:30pm
Standard $200 / Student: $170

Those who are new to Dalcroze are warmly encouraged to join us for the full 5-day course; core classes will be streamed to cater for different levels of experience.

Dalcroze Australia Members are eligible to apply to FIER for financial assistance. The deadline for application is 31 October 2023. Please visit for information.

Need to renew your membership? This can be done through our store (place membership in your cart alongside your Summer Scene registration).

Not sure if your membership is current? Contact us.

Registrations are now open in our Store!

Additional Information - Applications

The final session of each day is an application session, designed to showcase Dalcroze in settings such as the studio.


Studio teaching – Jerison Harper

This session will include how to use Dalcroze techniques and strategies to encourage and

prepare students for the rhythmic and expressive challenges which arise in the performance of

instrumental repertoire at different levels.  Attention will also be given to improvisation and

listening games. 


Plastique Animée – Kaye Barker

This session will explore a short piece of repertoire and participants will be guided in how to respond to

different elements of the music. The result will be a movement performance that shows the form,

character, rhythms etc. of the music. Students will work in groups or as one larger ensemble. This is an

opportunity to work with others and develop your creativity.


i) Creating movement composition with 8 - 10year olds – Christine Mearing

This is a practical class allowing participants to experiment with ‘tools’ for generating movement and

spatial design.

ii) Melody and movement in the first years of school - Katherine Smith

Movement, combined with singing and improvised music, is an excellent tool for teaching early melodic

concepts such as high and low, pitch direction and finding the tonic. This session combines interactive

activities, videos examples of primary school students in action and discussion. 


i) Movement skills for 8 - 10year olds – Christine Mearing

This is a practical session in which games and exercises to develop, encourage and enhance the

child’s movement skills and expressive potential will be explored.

ii) Seniors – Jerison Harper

This session will include a brief summary of recent medical research carried out in Geneva on

the benefits of Dalcroze Eurhythmics for ambulatory seniors. Participants will be invited to do

some of the activities being delivered by Dalcroze teachers with specialist training working with

seniors in various counties.

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Sunday Sessions
to Nov 12

Sunday Sessions

Each month we feature a qualified Dalcroze teacher presenting sessions on their area of expertise.

The Spring series features Katherine Smith, Madeline Hagon and Kris Bowtell

What to expect

Over the course of four sessions (two super sessions with Kris Bowtell) participants will discover how Dalcroze can be applied in a variety of settings.

Each session contains presentation and interactive elements and Q&A. These sessions will be held online, and the recordings made available to participants for 30 days following each session.

September - The Primary Music Classroom 3:00pm AEST

October - Early Childhood Music 3:00pm AEDT

November - Choral Conducting 3:00pm AEDT

$88 (member discounts available)

Sundays at 3:00pm AEST (September) or AEDT (October and November)

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