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Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a unique approach to Music Education. It is based on the premise that the human body is the source of all musical ideas. This site is the home of Dalcroze Australia - you will find information here about the Dalcroze approach, about ordering books, CDs and other resources, and training happening in your area.

Online Foundation and Intermediate Training


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Online Foundation and Intermediate Training

  • Dalcroze Australia Online Australia (map)

Online Professional Training Course - Foundation and Intermediate

SUNDAYS: 10 x 2 hr sessions (20 hours tuition)

For those wishing to pursue the Foundation and Intermediate awards this course provides online tuition over two semesters. Semester One will be taken by Jerison Lee. In Semester Two Bianca Parison and Jerison Lee will lead the classes in alternate sessions.


Semester 1

March 30th

May 4th

May 18th

June 1st

June 15th

Semester 2

August 3rd

August 24th

September 14th

October 19th

November 2nd

Earlier Event: January 13
Summer School 2025