Dalcroze International
The 6th International Conference of DALCROZE Studies
2 - 5 August 2023, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA.
ICDS6 aims to present the best of current research and practice within Dalcroze Studies and related fields. ICDS is a global, transdisciplinary forum, open to viewpoints from education, the arts and humanities, and the social, health and life sciences. We welcome practitioners and scholars alike. This year our theme is “Ecologies of Practice in Music and Movement”.
For all ICDS6 information, visit the ICDS home page.
Early registration opens 1 February 2023. To register, visit www.dalcroze-studies.com/registration.
The full program of conference is available here: www.dalcroze-studies.com/programme.
Institut Jaques - Dalcroze International Congress
17 to 21 July 2023, at the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Rue de la Terrassière 44, 1207 Genève, Switzerland.
The congress takes place every 4 years, and is open to adults who work with the Dalcroze approach, but also to people working in related artistic fields who are interested in the Jaques-Dalcroze method.
An intense week to immerse yourself in the method, the morning classes are taught by senior qualified teachers from around the world, and the afternoon conferences and presentations are linked to the theme of the event.
Registration opens on January 15, 2023
For more information, contact congres@dalcroze.ch or visit https://www.dalcroze.ch/ijd-rythmique/venir-voir/congres-international/
Click through to visit our colleagues around the world.
The Italian Jaques-Dalcroze Association