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Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a unique approach to Music Education. It is based on the premise that the human body is the source of all musical ideas. This site is the home of Dalcroze Australia - you will find information here about the Dalcroze approach, about ordering books, CDs and other resources, and training happening in your area.

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Advanced Training

The Dalcroze Licentiate and the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.

Advanced Training                                  

The Dalcroze Licentiate

Following the successful completion of the Dalcroze Certificate, the Dalcroze Licentiate entitles the holder to teach Dalcroze Eurhythmics at an advanced level such as in a university or conservatory.

This program is currently unavailable through Dalcroze Australia.  Please consult for available Licentiate programs.

The Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur

The Diplôme Supérieur is the highest award in Dalcroze Teacher Training. It is awarded by the Jaques-Dalcroze Institute in Geneva, Switzerland and endorses the holder as a master teacher and examiner. Diplôme holders may train and examine others for Certificate and Licentiate levels.

International Dalcroze Training Centres

Dalcroze Teacher Training from Certificate to Licentiate level is available at several universities and conservatoires world-wide. In the English-speaking world there are training centres in Boston, New York, Pittsburgh, and the United Kingdom. Some of these schools may offer some form of financial assistance for international students. For further information on these courses, visit