Certificate Requirements
For each level of training, candidates are required to successfully complete practical examinations in Rhythmcs, Ear and Voice Training and Improvisation.
The Australian Dalcroze Certificate: Requirements
For each level of training, candidates are required to successfully complete practical examinations in Rhythmics, Ear and Voice Training, and Improvisation. Before requesting to take an examination, it is desirable that candidates a) have completed sufficient course work hours taught by qualified Dalcroze teachers and b) can demonstrate competencies for the level and subjects they are attempting. Recommendations from local Dalcroze teachers and recognition of prior learning may be taken into account. Where candidates are not known to the examining team, an audition may be necessary. Permission to take an exam is subject to the assessment of the Director of Studies in consultation with other Dalcroze staff.
In addition to the practical examinations, candidates are required to submit written assignments and, where required, video recordings of teaching practicums. The following provides a brief outline of the basic requirements for each level. A detailed exam syllabus will be provided to examination candidates.
Foundation Level
Coursework Hours:
50 hours, depending on previous qualifications and experience.
Examinations each in:
- Rhythmics
- Ear and Voice Training
- Improvisation
Written Work:
- Descriptions of lessons done, noting aims and purposes, personal response and reflection.
- A portfolio of songs and music suitable for movement.
- Synopsis of readings.
- Additional assignments as part of pre-requisite coursework as necessary.
Intermediate Level
Successful completion of Foundation or equivalent status, or the permission of the Director of Studies.
Coursework Hours:
50 hours (taught by Diplôme, Licentiates or experienced Certificate holders).
Examinations each in:
- Rhythmics (including Plastique)
- Ear and Voice Training
- Improvisation
Written Work:
- Lesson observations, including lists of repertoire used, personal reflection.
- A portfolio of songs and music.
- Descriptions of exercises for movement, Rhythmics, Ear and Voice, Improvisation and social interaction.
- Essay on Émile Jaques-Dalcroze and the application of Dalcroze principles within one’s own profession.
- Paper on one of the Dalcroze Subjects.
- Additional assignments as part of pre-requisite coursework as necessary.
Certificate Level
Successful completion (ie. Commended grade or above) of Intermediate or equivalent status, or the permission of the Director of Studies.
Coursework Hours:
75 hours. Note: All courses at this level must be taught by Diplôme holders or experienced Licentiates.
Examinations in:
- Rhythmics (including Plastique)
- Ear and Voice Training
- Improvisation
Written Work:
- Portfolio of warm-up exercises.
- Papers on two Dalcroze subjects.
- Portfolio of games and exercises for teaching.
- 10 sequenced lesson plans for rhythmics classes, aural training classes or mixed classes for beginners.
- Additional assignments as part of pre-requisite coursework in Rhythmics, Ear and Voice Training and Improvisation as necessary.
Teaching Applications:
- Teaching practice and methods class; peer teaching.
- Submit a DVD portfolio demonstrating the application of Dalcroze principles in two beginner Dalcroze classes (children or adults).
- Observation reports of Dalcroze classes taught by other teachers.