Frequently Asked Questions
All the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need to be a professional musician to complete the Australian Dalcroze Certificate? (i.e. I’m a dance teacher, school teacher, therapist)
Dalcroze work is an education for music and through music. If you are not a professional musician, you should have basic music knowledge and piano proficiency (minimum AMEB Grade 5) to meet the criteria of the curriculum for this teacher training certification course. Each person comes from a rich background and a variety of musical competencies. Please contact us for further consultation.
2. Piano is not my first instrument. Can I still take exams?
Yes, you may use your first instrument for most of the Foundation Improvisation exam, except in questions involving harmony. However, we recommend that anyone continuing to Intermediate and Certificate must have piano skills to at least Grade 5.
3. I am interested in the Dalcroze work for my own personal/professional development. I am not planning to become a Dalcroze teacher. Are these courses still right for me?
Yes, people also come to the courses for self-enrichment and professional development.
4. Is the Australian Dalcroze Certificate recognised worldwide or only in Australia?
Australia is a participating member of the Dalcroze Eurhythmics International Examination Board. Participating countries include the UK, Australia, Italy, Hong Kong and Singapore. Our syllabus is recognized by the College of the Institut Jaques Dalcroze, Geneva.
5. At which point of the training can I call the class that I teach a "Dalcroze class"?
Individuals who attain Certificate Level status may call themselves a Dalcroze teacher and promote their music classes as a “Dalcroze class”.
6. If I do not want to become a Dalcroze teacher, can I exit the training program after completion of the pre-Certificate levels?
Yes, you can exit after completion of either the Foundation or Intermediate awards. One may still attend classes for personal and professional development. Progression to the Certificate is recommended if the candidate has gained results which are ‘Commended’ or above in the Intermediate exams.