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Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a unique approach to Music Education. It is based on the premise that the human body is the source of all musical ideas. This site is the home of Dalcroze Australia - you will find information here about the Dalcroze approach, about ordering books, CDs and other resources, and training happening in your area.

Summer School 2025


Books, DVDs, event registrations and other resources available for purchase from Dalcroze Australia. Please note that the online order function and flat rate of postage are only available to customers within Australia. For mailing options outside Australia, please contact

Summer School 2025

The Summer School-5.png
The Summer School-5.png

Summer School 2025

from A$170.00

First 15 registrations receive a copy of Eva Wedin’s book - Playing Music With the Whole Body - worth $80.00 (available for pick-up at the Summer School)!

Early bird registrations (open until November 29th) receive a discount of $30.00! Use the discount code DASS25

The Summer School gives music educators and performers the opportunity to enrich their practice by developing their personal musicianship skills and discovering new tools for teaching and learning using movement, singing and improvisation. The Summer School offers an introduction to the approach for those new to Dalcroze, and separate streams for participants who have prior Dalcroze experience. Each day includes sessions in Movement, Rhythmics, Ear and Voice, and Improvisation, and will address the application of Dalcroze to a variety of specific contexts. Come prepared to move, sing, play and create, and bring your instrument! Light morning tea and afternoon tea refreshments provided. Participants should provide their own lunch.

Summer School Options - Two or Five Days:
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Dr Sandra Nash (Diplôme Sup. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva)

Bethan Habron-James

Bianca Parison

Jerison Lee

Katherine Smith (Dalcroze Cert.)

Christine Mearing

have been confirmed as teachers for 2025. Visit our Teachers Page for more information.


5-day Workshop: 13th - 17th January, 9am - 5:00pm (please note Wednesday finishes 3:30pm)
Standard: $800 / Member: $720 / Student: $400
Two Day Exploration: 13th-14th January, 9am - 5:00pm
Standard: $350/ Member: $300 / Student: $170

Those who are new to Dalcroze are warmly encouraged to join us for the full 5-day course; core classes will be streamed to cater for different levels of experience.

Dalcroze Australia Members are eligible to apply to FIER for financial assistance. The deadline for application is 31 October 2024 Please visit for information.

Need to renew your membership? This can be done through our store (place membership in your cart alongside your Summer Scene registration).

Not sure if your membership is current? Contact us.