
Dr Joan Pope OAM
PhD (Monash); M.Ed., B.Ed. (ECU); BA, Dip Ed (UWA); Diplôme Supérieur (Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva).
Joan Pope has influenced generations of teachers, artists and performers through her teaching of music and related arts in Western Australian universities. She has given Dalcroze Eurhythmics workshops around Australia, South East Asia and in the UK. Joan has been on many national committees for dance, drama and physical education and in 2001 was honoured with the award of OAM for service to the creative arts, children and the community. In 2013 she co-authored with Selma Odom the essay marking the Centenary of the London School of Dalcroze Eurhythmics and co-presented the Keynote address at the first International Conference of Dalcroze Studies held in Coventry.

Rev. Geoffrey Usher
Geoffrey Usher, as nephew of Lesley Cox, had many years of exposure to Dalcroze Eurhythmics. This helped provide the foundation for his training to become a performer on stage. He has been a high school English and drama teacher, teacher of Business Communication at a TAFE college and worked as a professional actor. As a Minister of the Unitarian Church, Geoffrey has served in Sydney and England.
For a large part of his adult life he was on the committee for the Dalcroze Society of South Australia and later was Treasurer for the Dalcroze Society of NSW. After 19 years in England, he has returned, and is happy to renew his involvement with Dalcroze in an administrative capacity.

Dr Sandra Nash
Director Of Studies, F.I.E.R Delegate and Publications Officer
PhD; B.Mus.; Dalcroze Diplôme Supèrieur (Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva).
After teaching in schools and universities in Sydney, Sandra Nash became a freelance Dalcroze Eurhythmics and piano teacher in 1991. At the Sydney Conservatorium of Music she taught Dalcroze Eurhythmics for over a decade in the Tertiary program (Music Education) and in the Open Academy’s Junior Training Program. As Director of Studies for Dalcroze Australia Sandra has been conducting Summer Courses and workshops around Australia since 1994, and continues to teach and examine internationally.

Carol-ann Bentley
Secretary, Treasurer and Public Officer
Carol-ann Bentley has been a secondary school music teacher and voice teacher for many years, and became a Music Co-ordinator in a Sydney school. She took in-service courses in Dalcroze Eurhythmics and used aspects of the approach in her classroom teaching and voice studio work. Carol-ann has been involved in committee work with Dalcroze Eurhythmics in NSW for many years and is currently Secretary/Treasurer for Dalcroze Australia.

Kristin Bowtell
M.Mus. (RWCMD); B.Mus.Ed. (UWA); Cert. Dalcroze (UK)
Kristin Bowtell is a baritone and conductor based in Perth, Western Australia. He studied at the University of Western Australia, and with Simon Halsey at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Kris is an Australia Council ArtStart recipient and was part of the Symphony Services International Conductor Development Program. Recent engagements include The Loudspeaker in The Emperor of Atlantis and Male Chorus in Medée with Lost and Found Opera, and Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream for the WA Academy of Performing Arts.
Concert repertoire includes Haydn Nelson Mass for the UWA Choral Society, Mozart Coronation Mass, Haydn Missa Sancti Nicolai, Fauré Requiem, Duruflé Requiem, and Schubert Winterreise book 1 with pianist Jonathan Bradley. He has conducted Elgar's The Music Makers and Poulenc's Gloria for WAAPA, and was Co-Director of the Giovanni Consort in 2015. Kris is Director of Music at the Church of St Mary the Virgin, South Perth.
Tanya Davies
Tanya Davies first became interested in Dalcroze Eurhythmics when she took her daughter to classes at the Lesley Cox School of Music, Movement and Drama. Tanya has been involved in teaching music for early childhood community music classes, primary school music programs and teacher training in the arts. She currently works as a flute teacher in local schools.
Nadia Fried
Nadia Fried completed a Master of Teaching, First Class Honours degree at the University of Sydney in 2006, specializing in music education, and a Bachelor of Music, Honours degree at the University of Queensland in 1993, where she was also a recipient of the Margaret Nickson Prize for vocal accompaniment. After completing tertiary studies in classical piano, she undertook jazz piano studies, incorporating both genres into her performing career and teaching practice. Nadia has continued her professional development, qualifying for the Dalcroze Eurhythmics level two certificate (now the Intermediate Level) in 2007 and as a Feldenkrais Method practitioner in 2003.

Wendy Gumpl
Wendy Gumpl is a music educator. She works with children and staff at long-day-care centres and runs a piano studio for beginners of all ages. Dalcroze Eurhythmics is central to her professional work.

Madeline Hagon
B.Mus. (GU), M.Mus.St. (GU), A.Mus.A.(Hons) (AMEB), Cert. Dalcroze (RNCM, UK), PGCE (USQ)
Madeline taught in early years settings and schools in the UK using both Dalcroze Eurhythmics and Kodàly music pedagogies. Returning to Australia in 2011, Madeline became the Queensland representative for Dalcroze Australia and runs workshops for a range of organisations across the state and country. Her main position is as Principal Program Officer, Early Years with the Department of Education and Training (DET). Madeline also lectures in early childhood and music string pedagogy at the Logan campus and the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, Griffith University

Peter Roberts
M.Mus. (NSW); M.A., Mus.B. (Dublin); M.Theol.Stud. (ACU); M.Ed.Stud, Grad.Dip.Ed.[Rel.Ed.] (South Aust); B.A., Dip.MLT (Sydney); B.A. (Wollongong); B.Bus. (Swinburne); Grad.Dip.Ed. [Teacher-Librarianship], Grad.Cert. TESOL, (Charles Sturt); Ad.Cert. (Welsh Col. Music & Drama); Dip.School Admin. (Armidale CAE); LTCL; ASDA; Gold Medal – Speech (LAMDA); AALIA; MIMT.
A retired teacher with degrees in music, drama, education, philosophy, theology and business, Peter was the first president of the national organization Dalcroze Australia, having previously been president of the Dalcroze Society of New South Wales. He has been active in the administration of many non-professional arts organisations over the last five decades and sees the teachings of Emile Jacques-Dalcroze as not only fundamental for music educators in the early stages of learning but also in the development of the maturing artist.

Naomi Vear

Susanne James
Susanne James commenced her professional career in music education as a state secondary music teacher. She has been Education Manager for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Director of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music Open Academy. Currently, Susanne is Director, New England Conservatorium of Music. Susanne’s interest in the Dalcroze Approach commenced in the late 1970s when she was fortunate to meet, and attend classes with, Heather Gell in Cremorne.

Kent Logie
Kent Logie retired from Curtin University in Perth after 26 years as a Lecturer in Music Education. Previously Kent was a Primary Principal and Music Specialist. He has served the Australian Society for Music Education as Chairperson and was Convenor of the 1993 and 2007 ASME Conferences in Perth. He continues his life-long involvement as a choral director.

Margaret Smith
Margaret Smith was very involved with the Kodàly Music Education Institute of Australia and with the spreading of this approach in this country. She was also a member of Dalcroze Australia and a former student of Heather Gell. Margaret, now retired, was a lecturer in Music Education at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

Dr. Jane Southcott
Dr. Jane Southcott is Associate Professor on the Faculty of Education at Monash University. She is president of ANZARME, the Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education. Her research focus has two main areas: the history of music curricula in Australia, America and Europe, and community music engagement. She oversees the Graduate Certificate in Educational Research, teaches in pre-service programs and supervises many doctoral candidates. Jane had Dalcroze Eurhythmics lessons for 10 years in her youth.

Dr Daniel Rojas
Dr Daniel Rojas, composer and pianist, is Associate Lecturer in Music Teaching and Research at The Sydney Conservatorium of Music. His research focuses on the indigenous, folk and popular music of Latin America, and his compositions have won many awards. Daniel has performed his compositions and other works in solo piano concerts, as well as with classical and ethnic music ensembles in Australia and overseas.

Carol-ann Bentley
Carol-ann Bentley has been a secondary school music teacher and voice teacher for many years, and became a Music Co-ordinator in a Sydney school. She took in-service courses in Dalcroze Eurhythmics and used aspects of the approach in her classroom teaching and voice studio work. Carol-ann has been involved in committee work with Dalcroze in NSW for many years and is currently Secretary/Treasurer for Dalcroze Australia.

Rev. Geoffrey Usher
Geoffrey Usher, as nephew of Lesley Cox, had many years of exposure to Dalcroze Eurhythmics. This helped provide the foundation for his training to become a performer on stage. He has been a high school English and drama teacher, teacher of Business Communication at a TAFE college and worked as a professional actor. As a Minister of the Unitarian Church, Geoffrey has served in Sydney and England.
For a large part of his adult life he was on the committee for the Dalcroze Society of South Australia and later was Treasurer for the Dalcroze Society of NSW. After 19 years in England, he has returned, and is happy to renew his involvement with Dalcroze in an administrative capacity.

Dr Christine Mearing
DCA, Grad Dip Vis Arts, Cert Ed.
Christine began her professional career as a ballet dancer in WA and at the Royal Ballet School, London. After studying Graham technique and Laban movement, she danced in classical and contemporary dance companies throughout Europe. Her interests include acting, painting and sculpture, and she completed her Doctorate of Creative Arts in 2000. Credits include teaching dance at the Australian Ballet School, Victorian College for the Arts and NAISDA Dance College.

Jerison Harper Lee
Jerison received his Bachelor of Arts in Music and Movement and Master of Arts in Dalcroze Pedagogy from the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva. He has travelled to several other countries, studying with various Dalcroze teachers to understand differences in the approach. Whilst in Geneva, Jerison also studied ballet and modern dance in the Geneva Dance Center and Dance Area. He is eager to spread the wonders of the Dalcroze approach to music and dance educators in Asia. Jerison has given workshops in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, Vietnam, Europe, America and Australia.
A native Singaporean, Jerison has performed on international stages as a member of the Singapore National Youth Orchestra, National University of Singapore Symphony Orchestra, The Philharmonic Youth Winds, Braddell Heights Symphony and the Singapore Police Force Band.

Katherine Smith
MMus (UWA), BMus (Hons) (UWA), Cert. Dalcroze (DEIEB), Kodály Cert. (KMEIA).
Katherine holds a Master of Music in Performance from the School of Music at the University of Western Australia, and has completed the Dalcroze Certificate (DEIEB) and the Australian Kodály Certificate in music education (Primary). Katherine has worked as a freelance orchestral and chamber music clarinettist, performing with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and other ensembles in Perth. Katherine has taught music for 15 years, both as a clarinet teacher in private studio, primary and high school settings, and more recently as a teacher of early childhood music classes for pre-school aged children (and their parents!) Katherine is the President of Dalcroze Australia.

Dr Louise Mathieu
Louise Mathieu is a Retired Professor of the Faculty of Music of Université Laval in Quebec, Canada, where she taught from 1976 to 2016. Director of Studies of Dalcroze Canada and Co-director of Dalcroze Eurhythmics International Examination Board (DEIEB), she also acts as Vice-President of the Collège of the Institute Jaques-Dalcroze (Geneva)and Vice-Chair of the International Conference of Dalcroze Studies. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal Recherche en Éducation Musicaleand is a peer-reviewer for various scientific committees.Besides a musical background, her experience includes studies in acting, Feldenkrais and Gerda Alexander body awareness. She has directed and choreographed staged works, conducted choirs and instrumental ensembles and composed children's songs.
A frequent lecturer and workshop leader in Canada, Europe, Asia and USA, Dr Mathieu
holds the Dalcroze Diplôme supérieur (IJD, Geneva) and a Doctor of Arts (New York University).